Design & Technology
In DT, we have been looking at levers. We practised making different levers and then created our scene using a design brief to help us.
The children are looking at fact families and the calculations we can make from 3 numbers. We started off looking at addition facts and are now using our part-whole models to help us write subtraction facts as well.
In Science, we are looking at materials. We have named materials and looked at the different properties that materials have.
This week in Maths, we have been looking at Number Bonds within 10. We have looked at what numbers make 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
This week, we have been doing performance poetry. We practised the poem Snowball by Shel Silverstein. Take a look at our final go of the poem! They did a great job!
This half term, we have been programming our Bee-Bots and giving them algorithms to follow. When our algorithms didn't work, we needed to debug the code and decide where the algorithm wasn't working!
We have been looking at 3 different numbers (up to 10) and ordering them, deciding which is the smallest number, which is the greatest number, and which is in the middle.
We have been learning about the human body in Science. We have named and labelled parts of our body and looked at our five senses. This week, we focused on smell. We had to smell different things and try to guess what the smell was! Some of the smells were very smelly!
This Week in Maths we have been comparing numbers. We have been saying how many is more and less and have started using the symbols > (greater than), < (less than) and = (equal to)!
We have been counting backwards from a given number from 10 - can you see how the objects look like stairs?
This week in Maths we were showing an amount. We showed a number in different ways!
Art Week - 2nd - 13th September
We have been looking at the artist Pablo Picasso. We learnt about his Cubism style and ultimately created a self portrait in his style.
We first looked at 2 different pieces from Picasso, then we had a go at drawing a picture in the style of Picasso. We then went onto putting a face together using different facial parts. We then focused on using oil pastels and drawing different facial features. We then created our final piece but evaluated it and improved it ready for display in the hall for our Art Gallery.