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Year 5


As part of our DT during our migration topic, we made our own pizzas. First we taste tested some toppings to decide what we would include in our pizza, then we made our own dough and created our own individual pizza, with the toppings of our choice! After we made the pizza, we used CAD to create the packaging on the computer and we made a prototype of the pizza box. 

Welcome to Year 6 Frank Chapman  2024

On 10th January, we set of on our exciting adventure to Frank Chapman.

We had to be at school  by 8:30am. Everyone was so excited. There were 39 people on the coach and they couldn’t wait. It took about one hour to get there.


When we got there,  the instructors introduced themselves. The first thing that we did was practise a fire drill. The second thing we did was make our beds; it was a little hard but we used team work. Then the exciting activities started. We went on a very exciting journey through the forest in the mud and we played hide and seek in the dark .Then, we went back inside to go bed.

Day 1

We had to wake up at 06:00am and get changed out of our night clothes. Then we headed on outside to play for a while because everyone was still asleep .After that, we headed back inside to get breakfast when everyone was awake. After breakfast, we headed back outside to find out our next activities.

Day 2

Day 2 was the best day! We did rock climbing and tree climbing and we even did crate stacking This is when you have to find a partner and we had to climb the crates until we fell down.

Day 3 (our last day)

On the last day of Frank Chapman, we woke up  and had breakfast and then went back  upstairs to take off our bed sheets .Finally,  we took our suitcases down stairs  by the coach and said  our last goodbyes. It was an amazing trip!


By Yusuf Hussain 6G

Trip to the Golden Boys and Library

Wow! We had a fantastic trip on Thursday 30th November. We walked to the Hawthorns train station where we caught the train to Birmingham Snow Hill - lots of us hadn't been on a train so this was exciting! When we arrived, we walked towards the library where we saw the Golden Boys statue that we have been learning about. After that, we took a walk along the canal before returning the library where we explored some archived maps and we enjoyed the view from the 7th floor. Again, our teachers were very proud of us!

Black Country Living Museum

We enjoyed our visit to the Black Country Living Museum. We all went down the mine to experience what it would have been like, we took part in a Canal Art workshop and we had time to explore the rest of the site. We had a brilliant day and our teachers were proud of how well we behaved. 


In Computing we have used the Crumbles to learn all about physical computing and sequencing. We then created our own code and added it to our creations. Take a look below to see what we did.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

World Poetry Day!


Year Five really enjoyed their workshop with Birmingham poet laureate, Jasmine Gardosi. During the workshop, we enjoyed performing lines and creating our own poetry based on the theme of refugees.  Take a look at some of our poems.



To start of our Industrial Revolution unit, we looked at some Victorian artefacts and used our skills to work out what each item was used for. Take a look at some of our ideas. 


For Art Week this year, Year Five studied the work of Cyrus Kabiru. During our learning journey, we practised joining materials and manipulting the wire to create different shapes. Then we put all our skills together to create our own glasses inspired  by the artist.


