If you wish to find out about obtaining a place for your child at Galton Valley Primary School, please enquire at the school office. As we are increasingly becoming full we urge you to place your child’s name on the waiting list for Day Care and Nursery as soon as possible. This cannot guarantee your child a place.
Children will be offered a part time place (Mornings or Afternoons equaling to 15 hours per week) in nursery, the term after they are three. If your child is older, they may be offered a place depending on their age and if a place is available. Staff from School will always try to make a visit to your home before your child starts in order to help your child settle more easily.
During the Autumn Term
Application forms, available from your child’s current school/setting, are normally completed at the start of the Autumn Term and sent in to the Local Authority.
NB. If your child joins Nursery after the admissions process for reception has taken place you must notify the L.A. that you wish to apply for a place in Reception as early as possible, and complete a late application form for a Reception place for September
During the Spring Term
The Local Authority will send you a letter to let you know whether your child has a place at Galton Valley Primary School. All places are allocated using the : Sandwell Local Authority Admissions Policy
Admissions priorities for places in oversubscribed community and controlled primary schools:
In all cases, should the number of applicants exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated based on distance between home and school, as measured in a straight line from home to the centre point on the school site with priority being given to those living closest to the school.
NB. Children with a Statement of Educational Needs or a Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP) (previously known as Statement of Educational Needs), naming a particular school will be admitted before all other applicants.
** Measured from the Local Land and Property Gazetteer address base for the property. In all cases, should the number of applicants exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated based on distance between home and school, as measured in a straight line from home to the centre point of the school site with priority being given to those living closest to the preferred school.
During the Summer Term
If you are new to our school, we will invite you to visit in July to meet the teachers and to begin to get to know us.
Children Transferring/Joining from another School/Setting. Children who join school at other times are welcome to look around with their parents.
Application forms are normally obtained from your child’s current Sandwell School or, if you are from an area outside Sandwell, one may be obtained from our school office or from the local authority.