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Curriculum offer for Website


The 2014 Science National Curriculum is followed from Years 1-6 and the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is followed in Nursery and Reception.


We aim to deliver an engaging Science curriculum, which broadens our children’s scientific understanding of the world around them, through investigative learning. We aim to develop our children’s thirst for knowledge and understanding, and encourage their natural curiosity about the world around them. We want them to respect the world in which we live, so our curriculum offer goes beyond that of the National Curriculum and includes the children taking part in assemblies, Science week, live lessons with the NFU, listening to visitors e.g. Severn Trent Water, CO2 Safety Crew etc and more.


We want the children at Galton Valley to become independent learners, who are able to ask questions about the world around them and know how to investigate those questions to find answers. We want our children to be resilient learners and those who will keep searching for answers. At the core of our Science curriculum is an enquiry led approach, which supports our children in being able to ask and answer these questions. The children will explore different aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and deepen their knowledge of topics within these   areas, through a variety of different enquiry types; including, observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair tests and research; including using technology and investigating models and using secondary sources.


We have brought into the Oxford Owls Mastery Science scheme; which has been             constructed to support teachers in delivering a carefully planned Science curriculum, in line with our school's enquiry led approach.  Alongside this, teachers will draw on resources from a variety of other sources; including, STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), Explorify and PLAN. 
