Home Page

SEN Useful Information

SPDC July Parent / Carer Newsletter

FACE - Summer timetable

SPDC Summer Timetable - booking is essential

FACE - Addictive Behaviour

FACE - ADHD online course

SPDC Family Club

FACE June Newsletter

SPDC Information

Autism West Midlands Information

  • Free 45min Telephone Advice Consultation with an Autism Specialist Advisor, please email:


  • Sandwell Face Book Support Group


  • Rising to the Challenge – Black Country 3rd June at 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


  • Autism Themed Quiz 4th June at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • SEN Support for children with SEN but without an EHC plan Workshop17th June at 10:00 am - 11:30 am


  • Autism and Sensory Differences Webinar 9th July at 9:30 am - 11:00 am


  • Parent/Carer Evening Support Group 9th July at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


  • Summer Wellbeing Walk 13th August at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 

FACE Summer Timetable

SPDC May half term activities

FACE - Decreasing Depression

FACE May 2024 Newsletter

SPDC Parent / Carer May 2024 Activities

Autism West Midlands

FACE Family Advice

Family Action Helping Hands for families of children with Autism and or ADHD or on the pathway for a diagnosis.

FACE April Newsletter 2nd Edition

FACE Information - April 2024

SPDC Parent /Carer Newsletter April 2024

FACE - Raising Self-Esteem - training

FACE - Understanding the Teenage Brain - Training

FACE - March 2024 Newsletter

AUTISM: Improving Communication - training

A different approach to supporting Anxiety, Anger, OCD & Neurodiversity - training

SPDC Easter Activities

Better Mental Health Carers Project Information

SPDC March Newsletter

Face Family Advice - Understanding Anger: Theirs's and Yours. Workshop for parents

SPDC Family Club February - March 2024

Sandwell Short Breaks Offer

SPDC February Newsletter

As part of Autism West Midland's Level 1 Support, please find below a list of upcoming online and face to face events:


Stay & Play 11th February at 9:00 am - 10:30 am


Autism West Midlands Working Together With Sandwell Family Hubs 14th February at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Black Country Siblings Workshop 14th February at 1:00 pm - 15th February at 4:00 pm


How autistic people process information Webinar 16th February at 9:30 am - 10:30 am


Black Country Adults Interactive Farm Experience and Butter Making 20th February at 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Rising to the Challenge – Black Country 20th February at 10:30 am - 26th March at 1:00 pm


Black Country Stay and Play 25th February at 9:00 am - 11:00 am


Sandwell Evening Support Group 11th March at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Autism and Anxiety: Webinar 12th March at 9:30 am - 10:30 am


Black Country Adults Digital Photography Session at Sandwell Valley 12th March at 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Spring Wellbeing Walk 4th April at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Autism West Midlands - Referral Pathway and Support Information

All Things Autism Spring Training Brochure

SPDC February 2024 Newsletter

SPDC Parents / Carer Newsletter - December 2023

FACE - January Newsletter

ADHD Parent session - see information attached for booking details

SPDC December Events

SPDC Christmas Events

Please help the team by carefully following booking instructions listed on each activity. All bookings are to be sent to


In the event of SPDC Christmas activities being oversubscribed and you wish to book both activities, please highlight your preferred choice.

FACE November Newsletter

SPDC November Family Club Activities

SPDC November Newsletter

SPDC October Newsletter 2

SPDC October Newsletter

SPDC October Family Club Events

Helping Hands

A service for parents / carers of children with a diagnosis or going through the process of getting a diagnosis of ASD or ADHD. 


See the useful information below about this service. 

Helping Hands parent workshop information

FACE Advice October Newsletter

SPDC September Family Club

SPDC September Newsletter

Albion Foundation SEND Summer Activities

SPDC Summer Activities

SPDC Coffee Tour Dates

SPDC Parent Newsletter - July

SPDC Family Club June / July 23

SPDC Parent/ Carer Newsletter June 23

SPDC May Half Term Newsletter

Young Carers - Autism Awareness Month

Autism West Midlands Sibling Workshops

SPDC Coffee Mornings

SPDC Parent / Carer Newsletter May 23

SPDC Parent / Carer Activities April 23

SPDC Family Club Newsletter April & May 23

SDPC Family Club Newsletter

SPDC Parent/ Carer April Newsletter

SPDC Easter Newsletter

SPDC March Newsletter

SPDC March Family Club Newsletter

SPDC February Parent Newsletter

SPDC February Half Term Activities

SPDC Parent Newsletter Jan 23

SPDC January 2023 Newsletter

SPDC December Newsletter

SPDC December Newsletter

SPDC November 22 Newsletter

SPDC Family Club Activities - Oct to Dec

Albion Foundation Football Camps - October Half Term

Albion Foundation Multi-Sport Camps for children aged 8-11, with a disability and does not require 1-1 support.


Dates: Monday 24th October-Thursday 27th October

Time: 10:30am-3:00pm each day.

Venue: Portway Lifestyle Centre, Newbury Lane, Oldbury, B69 1HE.

Ages: 8-11 years old.

Cost: £8 per day.

Participants will have to provide their own refreshments on the day.

Booking link: The Albion Foundation - SEN'D Multi Sports Camp

The Thursday will be a Halloween Fancy Dress Day.

It would be great to see as many people dress up as possible, but don’t worry if you don’t want to.

Please note: We are unable to offer 1-1 support on these days.

SPDC October Newsletter

Bookings MUST be sent to to avoid disappointment.

Speech and Language Therapy Coffee Mornings

SPDC October Newsletter

SPDC Family Club September Newsletter

SPDC September Parent Newsletter

The SHAPE Summer Fest takes place on Saturday 16th July at Sandwell Valley from 11am – 6pm.

The festival was first held in 2015 and since then has grown to become one of the biggest and only youth festivals in Sandwell. Some of the highlights of this year’s festival include:

  • Blind Dave Heeley’s colour run organised by The Albion Foundation
  • A football tournament for KS1 age groups organised by The Albion Foundation
  • A Careers Expo for 16 -25 year olds organised by Connexions
  • Young Traders Markets for 16-30 year olds across the Midlands to showcase their entrepreneurial skills by having a stall at the festival and it will form part of a National Young Traders Market Campaign
  • Holiday Activity and Food Programme organised by Play Services who are showcasing what the HAF funding received by the government is and the activities they have to offer
  • A story tent including spoken word and poetry organised by Sandwell Cultural Educational Partnership
  • Music and entertainment on a live main stage and mini stage including acts from SHAPE’s SHAPE Your Talent competition organised by Youth Services

There is so much more to mention with 10 activity zones on offer but further information can be found on:


SPDC Summer 2022 Newsletter

Albion Foundation Multi-Sport Summer Camps for SEND Children

SPDC July newsletter

SPDC Family Club (June/July)

SPDC Parent Newsletter - June 22

Albion Foundation Multi Sports Camp for SEND children 8 years and under, during Whitsun week (no 1 to 1 support provided).

SPDC May Half Term Newsletter

SPDC parent newsletter May 22

SPDC Family Club Newsletter for May: Booking is essential by emailing

SPDC Easter Newsletter

Support Group for Sandwell Parents and Carers of Autistic Children

4th April at 10.00am - 11.30am

Click on the link for more information: 



Albion Foundation Easter Camps

Easter Camp Information:

Age: 8+

Dates: Monday 11th April – Thursday 14th April & Wednesday 20th April – Friday 22nd April.

Time: 10:30am-3:00pm each day.

Venue: Portway Lifestyle Centre, Newbury Lane, Oldbury, B69 1HE.

The Foundation are unable to offer 1:1 support or personal care.

Booking Links:

Week 1: The Albion Foundation - Portway - SEN'D Easter Multi Sports Camp (8-12 years old)

Week 2: The Albion Foundation - Portway - SEN'D Easter Multi Sports Camp (8-12 years old)

All participants must bring suitable clothing and footwear for indoor and outdoor activities along with a packed lunch and plenty to drink for each day.

SPDC April Newsletter

SPDC Feb- Apr Family Club

SPDC February Half Term Activities

SPDC February & March Newsletter

SPDC - Jan / Feb Family Club Information

SPDC January Newsletter

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

SPDC December Activities & Newsletter

SPDC November / December Family Club Activities

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is working with the Black Country NHS Healthcare Trust on a project called “Getting it Right”. This is a 3 year project (2019-2022) funded by the National Lottery Community fund building on previous CBF work in Cumbria. This project aims to listen to family carers and learn about services you value and those that could be improved across the UK. One of the areas that this project is focusing on is the Black Country. The aim is that by the end of the project there are:  

a.     More families of children with severe learning disabilities whose behaviours challenge feeling empowered and supported to improve the quality of life of their relative and reduce levels of challenging behaviour and  

b.      More people in official and influential positions introducing evidence-based approaches in their areas and knowing where they can find support 


In order to fulfil these project aims, a survey has been created to give families of children and young people with SEND in the Black Country the opportunity to provide information and express their views. 


The survey needs to be completed by 29th November 2021. It should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential.  

By completing the survey, there is also the opportunity to enter our prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher (full details are listed at the end of the survey)! 


Here is the link to the survey if your school would like to be involved:


If you have any questions about the survey or you would prefer to complete the survey via a telephone or video call, please do not hesitate to contact the Challenging Behaviour Foundation by email on or 01634 838739. 

SPDC November Newsletter

SPDC Half-term food deliveries

SPDC - October Newsletter 2

SPDC - October Newsletter

Engagement Scales

SPDC - Parent Newsletter September 2021

SPDC Parent Newsletter - July 2021

Transport consultation and parent meet ups

SPDC June activities

PAN Disability Sports Sessions

SPDC June Newsletter

SPDC Newsletter April 2021 - Easter Activities

SPDC Newsletter March 2021

SPDC Newsletter April 2021

SPDC Newsletter March 2021

Parent Forum

SPDC Feb 21 Newsletter

SPDC Jan 21 Newsletter

SPDC Parents and Carers

SPDC Parents and Carers

oN the S.P.O.T!

The newsletter from the:

Children's Community Nurses, Speech, Physio and Occupational Therapies team

oN The S.P.O.T Issue 17

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Social Story
