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Religious Education

At Galton Valley Primary School, we teach Religious Education using the agreed Sandwell syllabus provided by SACRE. R.E is taught for at least one hour a week in Years R-6. Pupils at Galton Valley learn about a range of religious and non-religious beliefs. Our curriculum reflects our local community and offers children a window into a range of other faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Sikhi, Judaism and Hinduism. This enables children to have a deep respect for their own and other religions.

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to line up with religious festivals, in order to provide context for the children. Children are taught to make connections between different beliefs, concepts and practices. This develops our community cohesion. Children at our school are empowered to ask and answer challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

We explore what people believe and the impact that it has on how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding, skills and vocabulary necessary to join discussions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. Such discussions require children to be informed, resilient and respectful. During R.E lessons, children are given access to religious scriptures and taught how to analyse them. This enables them to independently continue their own religious studies.
