We hope you are keeping safe and well in these extraordinary times. Here are some more ideas for your child to complete if you have already finished the work we have sent you.
The Maths Hub unit available via the link below covers the curriculum area we would have been studying this term, decimals:
All you need to do is follow this link, choose Year 4 and remember to start with week 1, watch the video and complete the activity. (The answers are also available via this link!)
If you would like to practise some spellings there are some games available on the following link:
Remember to continue using Reading Plus and Times Table Rockstars.
In the Kids Zone, a number of links have been added with other ideas for you to continue your learning at home.
Keep safe,
Miss Austin, Mrs Sivia and Miss Hodgetts
As part of our PSHE we have been looking at Enjoying the Moment. As part of this topic, we learnt about what it means to be mindfull. We also each completed part of a giant mindfulness bumblebee, where we had to focus our thoughts on ensuring the colour was neat. Some of us said that it calmed us down!
Layers of the Rainforest
Our Thematic topic for Spring term is the 'Rainforest.' In Geography we have learnt all about the location of the Rainforests and what the climate is like. We also looked in depth at each of the different layers. We found out different animals that live in each layer and how life in each layer is different. After we learnt about the layers, we worked in groups to create a big version that includes all the layers. Below is an example of one groups work.
Viking Brooches
We really enjoyed learning about Viking clothes and jewellery. We designed our own Viking brooch. We practised techniques to use with the clay. We then made our brooch out of clay and painted them in authentic brooch colours.
Funky Junky Boats
The entire school spent an afternoon making boats. We were set a challenge to use junk to create a boat. Using our scientific knowledge we had to create something that floated in our teams. We really enjoyed the activity and we worked brilliantly in our table teams. Well done year 4!
The Water Cycle
In Science, we have been learning all about the Water Cycle. We learnt about water in all the different states and we listened to the Water Cycle song! We then did an experiment to show the process in action.
LoudMouth Theatre Company and Workshop
We enjoyed a very good production about the impact of different types of bullying. The children enjoyed an interactive performance and got to engage with all the characters involved and offer them sensible advice on what to do in various situations. After the show, the children enjoyed a work shop where they learnt about different ways to improve their 'mental wellness'. The workshop gave us lots of ideas of things we could do if we were felt like we needed to talk about things that were worrying us.
During the first week in Year 4, we studied the artist Andy Warhol. We looked at some of his famous artwork and then used different mediums to create our own. We focused on the famous 'Campbell Soup Can' and we used out own ideas to recreate it. Here is our finished display: