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PE and Sport Premium


Sports Premium 2023/2024



Sports Premium Money


Sports Premium allocations for the academic year 2023 and 2024 are calculated using the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, as recorded in the January 2023 census, as follows:

  • Schools with 17 or more pupils receive £16,000 plus £10 per pupil
  • Schools with 16 or fewer pupils receive £1000 per pupil


Purpose of the Funding


The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2022-2023 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy active lifestyles. Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.

This means that the premium should be used to:

  • build capacity and capability in the school and make sure that improvements made to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity provision now are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future
  • develop or add to the PE, sport and physical activity that the school provides


For example, the funding can be used to:

  • provide continued professional development (CPD) of teachers to make sure that the future quality of the teaching of PE, sport and physical activity is sustainable.  This includes providing staff with:
  • Professional development
  • Mentoring
  • Appropriate training
  • Access to external resources
  • embed physical activity into the school day by encouraging active travel to and from school and having active break times
  • provide targeted activities or support to the least active children
  • help to provide a range of sports and physical activities that the school offers
  • raise the attainment in primary school swimming and water safety by funding top-up swimming sessions for those pupils that do not meet the national curriculum requirements after they have completed core swimming lessons.

This academic year (2023/2024) Galton Valley Primary School will receive £19,050. We intend to spend this money on the following:


Breakdown of Budget Spend:



Brief description of purchase


PE Hub Access

This will provide access to detailed lesson plans that teachers will use to deliver PE lessons.  Teachers have not previously taught their own PE lessons so this resource will support with the teaching of game specific skills and support teacher subject knowledge. Access is for the year.


Teacher CPD

PE association CPD – Planning, Preparation and Delivery of Physical Education CPD.

 Introductory CPD for all teachers: what the National Curriculum states, and how this translates into lessons.

Transport £190 per week x 24


Pool: Additional bay and 2x Instructors x2 terms


Total = £11,934


Top Up Swimming – 2 Terms (Year 5 and Year 6) (Spring and Summer Term)


All children in Year 5 and 6 will receive an additional term of swimming instruction in the school day due to the low number of pupils who attain the National Curriculum requirements in swimming.  All 60 children in the year group will receive the full term of instruction.



Access to Sporting After School Clubs

To provide free sporting after school clubs to increase uptake.  Money spent on staff and resources to facilitate the club happening.


Resources to encourage active break times

Resources will be purchased to encourage active lunchtimes outside.



 Outdoor Resources

Purchase climbing wall and pull up bar to encourage active play and to develop gross motor skills and core strength


Total spend: £19070.80


Sport Premium Impact 2023-2024



Breakdown of Budget Spend:



Brief description of purchase



PE Hub Access

This will provide access to detailed lesson plans that teachers will use to deliver PE lessons.  Teachers have not previously taught their own PE lessons so this resource will support with the teaching of game specific skills and support teacher subject knowledge. Access is for the year.

Teachers have been delivering PE lessons following the overview.  Pupils have been taught the skills needed for each sport in KS2 and the basic skills in KS1 to develop in specific sports when they move into KS2.

Pupil voice reports that pupils prefer the lessons taught by their teachers as there is now a consistent approach.  Pupils enjoy the variety of sports they are taught. 


Teacher CPD

PE association CPD – Planning, Preparation and Delivery of Physical Education CPD.

 Introductory CPD for all teachers: what the National Curriculum states, and how this translates into lessons.

Teachers felt that the CPD was a good introduction to PE as a subject and their understanding of the National Curriculum expectations.  Many teachers in school had not taught PE for a long time and feel that this is a subject that needs further support.  1:1 CPD to be sought for further impact next year.

Transport £190 per week x 24


Pool: Additional bay and 2x Instructors x2 terms


Total = £11,934

Top Up Swimming – 2 Terms (Year 5 and Year 6) (Spring and Summer Term)


All children in Year 5 and 6 will receive an additional term of swimming instruction in the school day due to the low number of pupils who attain the Nation

al Curriculum requirements in swimming.  All 60 children in the year group will receive the full term of instruction.


School was able to procure an additional bay for swimming lessons for Spring and Summer term. This resulted in all 60 pupils in Year 5 receiving an additional term of swimming and 60 pupils in Year 6 also receiving an additional term.

At the end of Year 6, 22 out of 59 pupils achieved the swimming standard.  This is 37% of pupils, a higher proportion than in the past.

This will continue next year, so that next year’s Year 6 will have received 3 full terms of swimming lessons (each lesson lasting a hour).

An additional bay has been booked for all three terms next year.


Access to Sporting After School Clubs

To provide free sporting after school clubs to increase uptake.  Money spent on staff and resources to facilitate the club happening.

154 free places at sporting after school clubs have been offered to children.  All 154 places have been taken up by pupils with attendance monitored (absence has been due to illness).  Clubs have been offered across the full age groups – Year 1-6.


Resources to encourage active break times

Resources will be purchased to encourage active.


Pupils are able to access a variety of equipment to encourage active break times. A ‘Games Shop’ is run by the pupils where equipment is loaned out. Zoned areas allow for different activities to take place, e.g. football, basketball, skipping, space hoppers, bat and ball games.


 Outdoor Resources

Purchase climbing wall and pull up bar to encourage active play and to develop gross motor skills and core strength

A climbing wall and pull up bar have been installed in the EYFS/KS1 area of the playground.  Children are now engaging in these pieces of equipment.  When Reception completed their baseline in Autumn term, only 33% were on track to meet the Early Learning Goal in Gross Motor, Physical Development but by the end of the year 90% of pupils achieved this ELG.
