Home Page

Useful Information for Parents

Things To Do This Summer Holiday

Summer Sessions Teddy Bears Picnic Locations

Good To Know Newsletter July 2024

Reflexions - Mental Health and Well-Being Support

Universal Credit Migration Information

Brasshouse Community Centre Activities

Reflexions Craft and Chat session

Mental Health 1st Aid for Youths - funded training for parents available. See Information below.

Smethwick Foodbank

Please see attached flyers of activities, events and ‘ Free of charge plays’ that are taking place in both Smethwick and Thimblemill libraries.

Victoria Park Summer Holiday Activities

MMR Vaccination Information

Sandwell Good To Know Newsletter

Chartwells School Meals Information

Understanding Extremism - Community Event

Good To Know Newsletter

Mental Health Awareness Week 15th - 19th May 2023

NEW session for dads and kids in Smethwick

West Smethwick Park Pavilion will be hosting a new Dads’ Stay 'N' Play Group every Saturday from 11 March between 9.30am-11am.

Pop along with your child for a chance to have a chat over a sarnie with other dads, stepdads and father figures.

Working with our friends at Tough Enough To Care and Barnardo's.

World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2022

Here is a really useful toolkit for parents and carers that gives hints and tips about how to talk to children about their mental health. 

Safer 6: Help keep children safe online with a free Online Safety (Extremism) and Prevent webinar for parents and adult community members

If you are a parent or carer, do you know what your children are doing online?

Sandwell Council’s Prevent Team are taking part in Sandwell’s Safer 6 campaign by offering free online safety (Extremism) and Prevent sessions. Parents/carers and adult members of the community can join the free online session on 19 October and 21 October and receive tips and advice to keep young people safe online.

Top tips include:


  • Turn on filters/parent control settings
  • Set accounts on private and report any issues through the apps
  • Be ‘share aware’
  • Keep up to date with online safety – the online world changes quickly
  • Know where to access further support


Parents are encouraged to talk openly to their children about their online activity and help them understand what is safe and unsafe. The internet is a great tool, but can also be a tricky place to navigate with some misleading information.

The sessions will be delivered on Microsoft Teams and will provide key information on popular apps and social media, as well as links for further advice and support. If you need help to get onto Microsoft Teams, please email or call 07717 427057.


Sandwell Council’s Prevent team, which works with partners and communities to stop people being drawn into extremism and terrorism, will also be explaining what Prevent is and how to report concerns.

The session times are as follows:

  • Tuesday 19 October 2021 - 5.30pm - 6.15pm
  • Thursday 21 October 2021 - 5.30pm - 6.15pm

For more information and to join at one of the times above, please visit ->

Sandwell Council Deputy Leader, Councillor Maria Crompton said: “The internet is a great resource for young people. However, with social media and the internet becoming an increasing part of young people’s lives and a hub for interaction with peers, they may be vulnerable to being targeted by those who wish to harm them.  By giving parents or carers the information about how to stay safe online we can stop the perpetrators in their tracks.”

West Bromwich Albion are trying to save the planet! Read the info for a fun summer competition.

West Bromwich Albion - Dad and Daughter Programme

West Bromwich Albion Summer Holiday Activities

Free Adult Maths & English Courses At Galton Valley Primary School

Beam Emotional health Information

Anti Bullying Workshop
