Year 5 have entered an evacuee postcard competition as part of their work on World War II.Below is the response from the competition organisers. Well done Year 5!
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for sending me the entries to our Evacuee Competition from some of your pupils,they are very good and I am impressed by the quality of the writing and drawings.
I have to say whoever taught them has done a very good job as they seem to have understood what the evacuation of children really meant. I had to smile at Naim's postcard telling his Mum & Dad that he hates pulling the udder from a cow, nevertheless loves it when he has to sheer the sheeps wool.I also laughed when he said " I also took a picture of you guys' - the American language is definitely here to stay!
They are certainly some of the best I have recieved for their age group, but of course I am only doing the initial short listing, the judges will choose their favourites, but rest assured I have already chosen the ones I like.
I will let you know more once the final date for the entries has come and gone at the end of November.
Once again very many thanks for your support.
Best Wishes